Quality Assurance Information System
Quality Assurance Committee

MODIP (Quality Assurance Unit) of the Ionian University consists of a) the Quality Assurance Committee and b) the Quality Assurance Office.

The members of the Quality Assurance Committee are appointed by a decision of the Senate.
The Quality Assurance Committee consists of the following members:
a)    Vice-Rector for Quality Assurance, Student Care and Lifelong Learning, President,
b)    Five (5) members of the teaching staff, Professors or Associate Professors, appointed by the Senate,
c)    One (1) representative of each category of the Special Educational
Personnel, Laboratory Teaching Personnel and Special Technical Personnel,
d)    One (1) undergraduate students representative,
e)    One (1) postgraduate and doctoral candidates representative and
f)    One (1) representative of each category of visiting professors, adjunct professors, visiting researchers and contract researchers who work at the University.

The above members serve on the tenure Committee for five (5) years.
Representatives of cases d) to f) are annually appointed and have a right to vote when issues concerning their respective category are discussed.
The head of the Quality Assurance Office also participates in the Committee’s meetings without a right to vote.

According to decision of the 1st /27.9.2024 meeting of the Senate, the members of the Quality Assurance Committee of the Ionian University are the following:

    • Konstantinos Angelakos, Professor of History Department, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Student Care, International Relations and Extraversion, President,
    • Panagiotis Kourouthanassis, Professor of Department of Informatics, Dean of the Faculty of Information Science and Informatics,
    • Vaki Fotini, Associate Professor, Head of the History Department of the Faculty of Humanities,
    • Nikolaos Tsouchlos, Associate Professor of Department of Music Studies of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts,
    • Aristotelis Martinis, Associate Professor of Department of Environment of the Faculty of Environment,
    • Konstantinos Artikis, Associate Professor of Department of Tourism of the Faculty of Economic Sciences,
    • Christina Mitsani, member of the Special Educational Personnel of Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Faculty of Music and Audiovisual Arts,
    • Eleni Christopoulou, member of the Laboratory Teaching Personnel of Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Information Science and Informatics,
    • Sofia Neofytou, member of the Special Technical Personnel of Department of Digital Media and Communication of the Faculty of Information Science and Informatics

The above members serve on the tenure Committee for five (5) years.
The undergraduate students, the postgraduate and doctoral candidates, the visiting professors, the adjunct professors, the visiting researchers and the contract researchers representatives are annually appointed and have a right to vote when issues concerning their respective category are discussed.
The head of MODIP also participates in the Committee’s meetings without a right to vote.

Updated: 08-10-2024

Quality Assurance Unit, Ionian University
Ionian Academy, 1, Kapodistriou Str, 49132 Corfu
tel.: +30 26610-87682
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