External Evaluation Report of Ionian University 2016
Posted: 06-09-2016 14:14 | Views: 14089
Institutional External Evaluation of the Ionian University for 2016 is available on the website
External evaluation of the I.U. for 5-11/6/2016
Posted: 10-05-2016 12:16 | Views: 2865
04/20/2016: The external evaluation of the Ionian University has been scheduled by the HQAA for the period from 5 to June 11, 2016.
01, March 2016: Update of the website of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Ionian University
Posted: 09-05-2016 14:55 | Views: 2251
The 1st, March 2016, the website of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Ionian University was updated.

Quality Assurance Unit, Ionian University
Ionian Academy, 1, Kapodistriou Str, 49132 Corfu
tel.: +30 26610-87682